While we absolutely depend on those who donate so much, and have such amazing donors who are so amazing about giving – and give in such generous ways – I just want to have a little gripe about just a few people who donate less generously.
I have so many people bringing in toys, arriving and helping to unload and just being so kind and giving such lovely things. Such as the lady who SMS’ed that she wanted to help and asked for our banking details – I thought perhaps she would donate a small amount (which FC would be grateful for) But when our bank statement arrived she had personally given R3000! How kind – and without fanfare. Or the Roedean girls who are producing such beautifully created theme boxes for us. Or the Roosevelt Park pre-school who consistently find lovely things to give us.
But then one sometimes gets those who are throwing out stuff and want you to collect that day, or get upset that you can’t collect at their immediate convenience, even if they had earlier arranged with you for another day. Or when one just can’t get to them that day because a small crisis arose at one of the centres or Joburg traffic just got in the way with how much one could do that day... and you have to contact them to make different arrangements and they get irritated. Or when one is exhausted having worked solidly through several weekends and forget to get to them that weekend – and suddenly you are being disrespectful of their kindness (as if they are personally doing you a favour – rather than being given the opportunity to give to children in need).
All I can say – and now that I am past 50 I think I have more gravitas and a right to give my two cents worth – when you give, give wholeheartedly and completely. Remember, giving is a privilege and you get a great deal out of being able to give and show your compassion and care for others – it is good for you. And supporting NGOs is a way of giving back what is given to you! But giving with one hand and taking with the other is not really kindness – it simply shows that you feel quite ambivalent and arrogant about being in the giving position! Be careful, be really kind and have complete and real compassion. And try to make it easy for NGOs to receive your help – that is actually part of your open-handed giving! NGOs have hardworking people, struggling on small budgets to do as much as they can – and they have feelings too!
But all that said – thanks to the many who give so graciously and with such love and care!