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Why is the pre-school space taken up by people other than teachers?
- July 26, 2018 | Lindy Harris
When professionals who are unschooled in the field intervene in ECD, they often get it badly wrong.
Fear (and the long term solution that is ECD!)
- July 24, 2015 | Lindy Harris
Do children know when they are poor?
- October 31, 2014 | Lindy Harris
Why I don’t think we should plan to put 3, 4 and 5 year olds in primary schools in SA…
- September 03, 2014 | Lindy Harris
The government is talking of putting all pre-schoolers into Primary schools…and closing community based centres….probably thinking it is a ‘cost saver’...hmmm….
- June 25, 2014 | Lindy Harris
June 16th 2014 - my demands…
- June 16, 2014 | Lindy Harris
Working in the NGO field blesses you?
- June 12, 2014 | Lindy Harris
The cup cakes of love project!
- June 09, 2014 | Lindy Harris
The long and windy road an abused spouse/ partner has to take to get help…
- April 28, 2014 | Lindy Harris
Want to know a good way of doing your 67 minutes for Nelson Mandela’s birthday and, of course, honou
- April 22, 2014 | Lindy Harris
Why I think the “Black Consciousness’ of Steve Biko still has a place and a role to play in SA…
- April 21, 2014 | Lindy Harris
Poverty is a toxic place to live in…
- April 06, 2014 | Lindy Harris
Why we need money and donations so much!
- February 25, 2014 | Lindy Harris
To run a reasonable pre-school programme we need to provide:
hrow away those stultifying Pre-school worksheets!
- February 06, 2014 | Lindy Harris
Hey teacher! Watch that voice!!!
- January 22, 2014 | Lindy Harris
4 year olds in compulsory school?
- January 22, 2014 | Lindy Harris
So let’s stop failing our children and get them flying in the freeness of true education!
- January 07, 2014 | Lindy Harris
Finger paint fun
- November 29, 2013 | Lindy Harris
42 fun things to do with playdough…
- November 25, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Children teach us their needs
- November 16, 2013 | Lindy Harris
The ‘hurt book’
- November 02, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Too much hurting….
- October 29, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Child abuse is everywhere and dealing with it is complex…
- October 17, 2013 | Lindy Harris
How to give the gift of giving at Christmas
- October 06, 2013 | Lindy Harris
The Grasshopper and the ants - an Aesop’s fable about delayed gratification..
- October 05, 2013 | Lindy Harris
The sad state of fees
- September 21, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Have a look at this blog of play ideas!
- September 17, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Drug abuse – whose ‘fault’ is it?
- September 09, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Flour babies
- September 04, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Let Pre-school and ECD teachers write the curriculum! Not primary school/ foundation teachers…
- August 29, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Childcare must look easy to many SA teens…
- August 26, 2013 | Lindy Harris
So many children in SA are so inadequately cared for our teens must think it is easy to be a parent…
No 12 in our series ‘Using positive discipline’:The loud, judgmental voices giving advice…
- August 23, 2013 | Lindy Harris
No 11 in our series ‘Using positive discipline’: Just try!
- August 21, 2013 | Lindy Harris
No 10 in our series ‘Using positive discipline’: Think before you lift that punishing angry hand…
- August 17, 2013 | Lindy Harris
No 9 in our series ‘Using positive discipline’: TV troubles…
- August 16, 2013 | Lindy Harris
No 8 in our series ‘Using positive discipline’: Mistakes and normal curiosity versus ‘naughty’
- August 14, 2013 | Lindy Harris
And making it easy for your child to behave well…
No 7 in our series ‘Using positive discipline’: Toys are not playmates.
- August 12, 2013 | Lindy Harris
No 6 in our series ‘Using positive discipline’: Routines
- August 10, 2013 | Lindy Harris
No 5 in our series ‘Using positive discipline’: Physical touch and relatedness.
- August 09, 2013 | Lindy Harris
No 4 in our series ‘Using positive discipline’: Routines for yourself.
- August 07, 2013 | Lindy Harris
We always talk about routines for baby - what we really need is some routines for ourselves at first!
No 3 in our series about using positive discipline with your child: The voices in your head
- August 06, 2013 | Lindy Harris
No 2 in our series on how to use Positive Discipline with your babies and children. Loneliness
- August 05, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Parents need other adults support and care to make parenting easier and more fun.
No. 1 in the series of : ‘How to use positive discipline with your babies and children.’
- August 04, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Some ideas to help you and your baby, toddler and child get along better…in a series…
So we are looking at making it a crime to hit our children…?
- August 03, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Did you never tell about being raped or attempted rape/ assault? Tell your story now.
- July 31, 2013 | Lindy Harris
What is my Utopia for the under 7’s?
- July 28, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Children and TV - loll and slop…as Roald Dahl wrote…
- July 25, 2013 | Lindy Harris
67 things you can do in the name of our beloved Madiba now and all through the year…
- July 17, 2013 | Lindy Harris
As soon as we decide someone else is them, not us…
- July 03, 2013 | Lindy Harris
The freshness of a child’s veiw
- June 30, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Immunising kids against abuse.
- June 26, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Help your child to protect themselves against abuse - give them confidence and a good sense of self.
Immunising kids against abuse.
- June 26, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Help your child to protect themselves against abuse - give them confidence and a good sense of self.
Immunising kids against abuse.
- June 26, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Help your child to protect themselves against abuse - give them confidence and a good sense of self.
Just going for a walk
- June 23, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Families need pretty places to walk and play on
Honouring the father of my children on Fathers day
- June 13, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Love and work - Freud’s famous measure on mental health..
- June 10, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Infants, babies and toddlers are so much more than blobs…
- June 09, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Babies do have thoughts, feelings and needs.
Children do not do as you say – they do as you do…
- May 30, 2013 | Lindy Harris
We can harm our children by our own unprocessed traumas and ‘issues’.
The Dark Ages versus modern understanding of mental illness.
- May 28, 2013 | Lindy Harris
I am worried about the trend of blaming mentally and emotionally ill young people ‘Satanists’. It takes us back to pre-modern thought about how the brain works.
Forced removals still live on in our elders minds and hearts..
- May 25, 2013 | Lindy Harris
We may prefer to forget what evils Apartheid wrought - but the shadows are long and still dark.
A must read for all parents or about to be parents! A new novel by Jo-Anne Richards
- May 20, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Teachers also have Teachers teachable times….
- May 15, 2013 | Lindy Harris
On learning from emptying a playroom of 3-5 years old in terror…
Teachers also have Teachers teachable times….
- May 15, 2013 | Lindy Harris
On learning from emptying a playroom of 3-5 years old in terror…
A salute to the young #MultiChoice Team Joey
- May 12, 2013 | Lindy Harris
A salute to the young #MultiChoice Team Joey
Thabo and Thabang - a story for small children about deafness
- May 10, 2013 | Lindy Harris
This short story was written for a class of 3-4 year olds and told during the theme week of ‘sound and hearing’
People are living there…in South Africa, Gauteng
- May 06, 2013 | Lindy Harris
On waste water, sewage and litter filled streams in our roads (and bakkies)
Why we don’t celebrate ‘Mothers Day’ at our centres…
- May 02, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Too many of of children don’t have living mothers.
We all need unconditionally special birthday celebrations!
- April 30, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Birthdays are a celebration of the love we have for the birthday - ee!
We all need unconditionally special birthday celebrations!
- April 30, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Birthdays are a celebration of the love we have for the birthday - ee!
So you want your child to be a rocket scientist or something?
- April 28, 2013 | Lindy Harris
If you want your baby to fulfill his/her full potential put that smacking hand away!
How to say ‘NO’ less to your little one
- April 26, 2013 | Lindy Harris
‘No’. For too many babies that is the first word they learn to say.
On being re-traumatised
- April 22, 2013 | Lindy Harris
I am thinking of all those of us in the world who have been through trauma – the kind when one feels and is facing the possibility of great harm and death or where one has to experience continual abuse or great stress one simply cannot escape over a long period of time. And then the same or another trauma happens and one is re-traumatised. Even those of us blessed with great resilience will struggle.
Honouring good people
- April 18, 2013 | Lindy Harris
I want to honour all those people who with love and compassion give their time and skills to others. Especially today Peter France
Busy Bees flying high…
- April 18, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Busy Bees flying high…
‘Slow playing’
- April 11, 2013 | Lindy Harris
You’ve heard of the slow food revolution - what about having a ‘slow playing’ revolution too?
On wasting the positive energy of our young men…
- March 11, 2013 | Lindy Harris
On wasting the positive energy of our young men…
Why are children trashing their school environement? Some reasons…
- March 06, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Why are children trashing their school environement? Some reasons…
On defending our actions – even when our principles tell us ‘No, no, no…’
- March 04, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Soft rain. What children really want.
- March 01, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Father burns his little boys school uniform after an argument with mom.
- February 26, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Father burns his little boys school uniform after an argument with mom.
Inhumanity to mother in labour
- February 20, 2013 | Lindy Harris
The best pre-school teachers are actually facilitators of play
- February 18, 2013 | Lindy Harris
What is that old lady DOING!??
- February 04, 2013 | Lindy Harris
It is easy to provide a pile of toys – but only time and nurturing create real change and playrooms where children can play and learn through play
Poverty all too often brings a culture of poverty to a community.
- January 29, 2013 | Lindy Harris
I am troubled by the very insular nature of some communities. This idea that nothing matters outside of one’s own ambit
Letting go of parental perfection opens one to a real relationship with one’s child
- January 24, 2013 | Lindy Harris
Sometimes it is so hard to be a parent. Some of my worst moments are when I realise that I have been repeating something that my parents or even a teacher did to me with my children that I PROMISED myself never, ever to do…
Managing your child’s traumatic experience .
- December 20, 2012 | Lindy Harris
Managing your child’s traumatic experience .
Unathi’s Christmas - A South African story for children
- December 17, 2012 | Lindy Harris
In a village in the Eastern Cape lived a boy called Unathi.
And let us use the money in the way we need to when we need to!
- December 12, 2012 | Lindy Harris
Thank you to those who give from your own pockets! And let us use the money in the way we need to when we need to!
How was your day today my beloved child?
- December 04, 2012 | Lindy Harris
How was your day today my beloved child?
The Gift of Giving for Christmas
- November 30, 2012 | Lindy Harris
December and Christmas is almost upon us. I know that the shops have been proclaiming it for some time now. Diwali and Ramadan have also been and gone but with far less noise! I often wish that Christmas could be a simpler more spiritual celebration.
A gift of love at Christmas
- November 19, 2012 | Lindy Harris
A gift of love at Christmas
Owl and spider
- November 19, 2012 | Lindy Harris
Down with pre-school beauty pageants…
- November 11, 2012 | Lindy Harris
One thing that really horrified me about the ‘Toddlers and Tiara’ show was watching a mother making a child accept being spray tanned by her.
The 10 Universal Precautions
- November 05, 2012 | Lindy Harris
The 10 Universal Precautions prevent children from getting serious illnesses at school and play
The car seat conflict
- October 31, 2012 | Lindy Harris
Congratulations to 94.7 Highveld Stereo and JMPD for car seat road blocks and giving out car seats.
If your child is going to school next year this is how to make sure they really shine:
- October 22, 2012 | Lindy Harris
Such simple things would help so many of our children do better at school. I made a list:
Does some play make you Gay?
- October 16, 2012 | Lindy Harris
‘Cross gender play’ needs to become just ordinary play
Children may be in school, but most are simply not learning what they should be.’
- August 29, 2012 | Lindy Harris
One of my main challenges is to get the students to start to learn.
Some “Mammal activities” to do with pre-schoolers
- August 27, 2012 | Lindy Harris
Some “Mammal activities” to do with pre-schoolers
Fun experimenting with water
- August 21, 2012 | Lindy Harris
Water experiments